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 Killerpilze's biography

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Messages : 252
Date d'inscription : 06/07/2008
Age : 30
Localisation : REPEN ROCKCITY
Emploi/loisirs : Étudiante.
Humeur : (:

Killerpilze's biography Empty
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Killerpilze's biography 308356_10150271100896134_2150548_n

Killerpilze are a German band, founded in 2002, by Johannes (Jo) Halbig, Adreas (Schlagi) Schalgenhaft, Fabian (Fabi) Halbig and Maximilian (Maex) Schlichter. They were first 'discovered' in 2005 by Universal Music and producer Corni Bartels, and in the year after that, they released their first single (Richtig Scheisse (auf 'ne schoene Art und Weise)) and studio album Invasion der Killerpilze. Back then, none of the boys had finished school, as they were all under 18. From that moment on, they have been in the German spotlights for years, but their music didn't continue to follow the same instant-hit-formula. After Schlagi left the band in 2007, they kept on going. They started experimenting with pianos and trumpets to create their own sound. After the second album, Mit Pauken und Raketen, which didn't sell as well as the first, they kept on going. A break-up with Universal Music and three years of silence followed, but they kept on going. Lautonom was to be the evidence that three once cute boys are now very well capable of standing on their own feet, which wasn't appreciated by the regular audiences: Lautonom sold even less copies than Mit Pauken und Raketen, but they kept on going. The fourth and most recent album, Ein bisschen Zeitgeist, came out in 2011 and was the first product of three legal adults working together. The little-kids period in music is officially over for Killerpilze, and guess what? They're still going.

Written by: Lisette
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